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No New Posts FearClan Borders - 1 Viewing

This is where your end of the forest starts into FearClan's. You may mark your territory or maybe a little squabble at this border. The only place where you may interact with another clan member in accident or maybe purpose.

Moderator: **MidnightBloo**

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No New Posts Bloodpool Edge

Do you dare get this close to the Bloodpool? The edge of The Gang's territory can be dangerous to your health and life. Don't travel to far or your asking for a death sentence, beacuse getting to close to the Bloodpool is a crime and you don't want to cross the Ruler.

Moderator: **MidnightBloo**

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No New Posts TerrorClan Borders

This is where your end of the moorlands starts into TerrorClan's. You may mark your territory or maybe a little squabble at this border. The only place where you may interact with another clan member in accident or maybe purpose.

Moderator: **MidnightBloo**

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The Watched Markers
These borders are where Gang members hide in waiting to see if others try to pass through, including Heralds. They accept no tresspassing and will attack right away but might have an insulting fight with you if too close. The borders are with both TerrorClan and FearClan which means you'll be watching nonstop. Hiding in the brambles or silently stalking you in the tall grass.
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